dinsdag 24 mei 2011


Sally has a family!!!!!

Mila's family found her!!!!

Operation Starfish

May I introduce you to a 13 year old volunteer who is fundraising for Starfish? This is her Etsy shop

(click on the logo to visit her etsy shop)

Her name is Rachel and she is 13 years old. In April of 2011 she went to Xian, China to volunteer at the Starfish Foster Home for a week. Starfish takes care of children with special health needs from the local orphanages. These children stay with them until they are adopted. She was inspired on her trip and wanted to do more. Her goal is to raise $3000 for the babies' surgeries this year. 100% of the proceeds from this etsy shop will go towards helping the Starfish Foster Home.

What an amazing thing to do for a 13 year old!!!! I really admire her for doing this!

maandag 23 mei 2011

And this is adorable Mila

Isn't she gorgeous? She was born with Spina Bifida and had surgery.
I found out this morning that she can run!!!

Mila is matched!!!!

zondag 22 mei 2011

Another Starfish: Sally

Sally's dossier is at (Update: Lifeline with Kathy Storro)
They got an update from the CCAA in april. Sally was born with Spina Bifida. She had surgery to have the SB repaired and they put in a shunt.
She is sitting, standing with help and uses her legs to push
herself in a walker.
This is adorable, chunkey monkey Sally:

A thank you from Jack's family

Kelly asked me to put this on my blog:
Dearest fans of Jack!
 Thank you so much for your help in bringing Jack home from China.
Your donations will help pay our agency fee which will be due
in the next month.
We are so blessed to have help from around the world and know that your good thoughts and prayers have helped Jack while he is waiting for us.
Our family is so excited to give Jack a home with love abounding.
Sincerely, Kelly and Bill Rumbaugh and ALL of jack's siblings!!!

vrijdag 20 mei 2011

Donations to Jack's fund.

Some news for the people that donated to Jack's fund: I made sure Jack's new family got the money today. Thanks to all of you they got:

Update: I forgot to include a donation from last january...  so the grand total is now $ 636.71 !


maandag 16 mei 2011

Megan update MAY 2011

When I opened my e-mail this morning there was another e-mail from Eve. I can't thank her enough for taking the time (with a jet-lagged family..) to provide me with this update!!!


Megan was very reserved around our family. She watched the boys like a hawk, following their every move with her eyes, but she did not want us to see her smile :0  She was very cute about keeping her smile from us.  Now when Amanda walked up, that was totally different. She lit up like a Christmas tree and was SO happy!  She laughed and reached out for love!!

She can pick up food and put in her mouth, and she can also bear weight when placed in a standing position.  She does not have a lot of strength in her core area, which would really help her ability to be mobile.  She receives some therapy at Starfish, but needs more aggressive therapies to help her get stronger.  The types of therapy available in China are not the same caliber as available in the US and other countries. One family did donate a small pool, floaties and rings for Megan to do some water therapy.  This will be helpful, but she needs a family to love her, provide a consistent routine, and get her started on the occupational and physical therapies she very much needs.  She is a precious little girl, and can so quickly see the difference in her surroundings and people around her.  She shook her head NO to some puffs that we offered, but happily accepted some chocolate! :)

I am praying for Megan...that she will find her family soon!


zondag 15 mei 2011


Thank you so much Eve!!!

Eve has just come home with her new daughter and took the time to look for pics of Megan she took.
 I'm thrilled there are so many!!!!  Enjoy!

Isn't she gorgeous???!!

donderdag 5 mei 2011

Megan update!

I found this information on a YAHOO waiting children group:
"She is neither walking nor sitting on her own yet. That being said, she also hasn't had any therapy. With therapy she could be walking within a year. She has the drive and will to walk and run. She pulls up on everything that she can. She moves her legs whenever someone holds her up. She just needs someone to believe in her and get her the therapy she needs."

This girl needs a loving family soon!!!!
I've asked someone that traveled to Starfish recently if she has any recent information, but she's just returned home with her precious daughter from China, so I can imagine she's very busy. I will let you all know as soon as I hear something from her!

This is Megan in 2009